Natural Resources & Construction

Allianz is committed to best serve its valued partners and clients in this area by offering capability of building customized solutions from initial construction through to the operational phase. Our underwriting team will work with you to customize a program to meet the individual needs. As industrial specialists, Allianz Commercial has a long-standing tradition of supporting the natural resources & construction industries in North America.

We combine:
Many years of technical experience
Market-leading financial strength
The ability to cover the largest and most challenging projects


At a Glance
Natural Resources & Construction Brochure


An oil pipeline


With dedicated energy insurance teams serving the onshore oil and gas industry, Allianz Commercial can provide flexible and tailored solutions to the most demanding energy insurance challenges.

Inside a hyrdopower plant

Power & Utilities

One of today’s major challenges is reliable energy provision for private and commercial use. Demand is growing, and as insurers, we play our part in helping meet this demand with a specialist team focused on power and utility risks.

An oil plant lights up at night

Oil & Gas Construction

Allianz Commercial offers specialty services for the construction phase of projects through expert teams.

Multiple cranes lifting objects on a construction site

Building & Construction

Allianz Commercial offers contractors all risks (CAR) insurance for building and construction projects. Car provides comprehensive protection against physical damage – technical or other – from construction site activities, and extends financial security for owners and contractors.

A modern bridge over the sea

Heavy Civils

The heavy civils sector includes large infrastructure projects, such as roads, highways, tunnels and bridges – a specialist construction sector requiring long-term partnerships and regional expertise.

Heavy industry plant

Heavy Industries

Allianz Commercial has extensive experience, technical expertise and the capacity to lead complex Heavy Industry.

Construction programs, we cover;

  • Erection All Risks (EAR) and Delay in Start Up (DSU) policies.
  • Operational facilities through our all risks operational  policies, including business interruption coverage
two workers wearing hard hats


The mining segment continues to play a critical role in the manufacturing chain as it focus on the extraction and primary processing the ores containing the base elements (feedstock) used by multiple industries.


Identifying the major business risks for 2025

Cyber, business interruption and natural catastrophes are the risks of most concern for businesses globally in the Allianz Risk Barometer 2025. In an increasingly volatile and interconnected risk landscape, companies and their insurance partners must take a holistic view of risk and, continually work to invest in and build resilience, even if the short-term nature of business decisions, world events, and the cost-of-living crisis makes this more challenging than ever.

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From Risk to Resolution

Read our Natural Resource & Construction success stories to learn how our Allianz Risk Consulting (ARC) team helped clients optimize business outcomes before, during, and after a loss.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

A major gas production company is constructing a facility in North America at a location exposed to severe storm surge and hurricane force winds.

Read case study
A turning point for offshore wind
Read more
Cranes on a construction site at night
Safeguarding of Construction Sites During a Cessation of Works
Read more
solar panels
Green energy: Insuring a renewables future
Read more
Offshore wind farm
Ensuring fair winds blow for Taiwan
Read more

Contact us

Meet our Natural Resources & Construction team

Chris Fancher
Honorio Campos
Carol Martin
Darren Tasker
Malik Abdur

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Disclaimer: The material contained in this publication is designed to provide general information only. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, this information is provided without any representation or warranty of any kind concerning its accuracy and Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. All insurance products are subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the individual policies. Please be advised that these insurance products are not available in every state or country.